Monday, March 3, 2008

The Dark Side

All my friends have blogs and I have finally crossed over to the dark side, dun dun dun. This is my first post and I have no idea what to write about.

I have been sick for the past 4 days now and I still partied over the weekend. I spent the weekend in a motel celebrating my cousin's birthday. There were 5 of us there and it was a blast! Even though I was more drunk off the NyQuil then anything, I still had as much fun as all the drunks. My cousin and I have always been there for each other and I had to be there for her on her birthday, sick or not. The next day we all woke up with hangovers and we ate Cheetos, pork rinds and washed them down with orange juice for breakfast. What a great combination that was. HA!

Where there you have it my first post. I am so excited I think I pee'd a little. :-D


Sindi said...

Sounds like you had a good time :)

stacys1175 said...

sounds like you had fun:) glad to see you crossed over.