Tuesday, March 4, 2008


People are very weird to me sometimes. They always judge you at first glance before they even know you. I have a thing for piercings but i don't have too many, only 8 on my head. A lot of times people think I am a freak or an emo but I am neither. I tell people you can have piercings just because you like them and you don't have to be in a certain group to like them. If you see someone with piercings don't stereo type them, get to know them first. I feel it is the same way with tattoos also, I have 2 and want more. I wouldn't judge a person that didn't have piercings or tattoos, but that's just me.

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgement you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get". Matthew 7:1-2


RW said...

Hi Beth here by way of Sindi! I remember when I pierced my ear back in High School, just one earing, but at that time was a crazy thing to do I was told that by many people. Pretty tame by todays standards lol . Nice to meet you :D

Liquid said...

Hey there! Here also by the way of Sindi.
Now I'm off to play on your blog.

Welcome to a fabulous family!!

Cliff said...

I'm over here via Sindi also. It's a good idea she has promoting other blogs. I think I'll try it.

Kathy said...

Hi, I came from Sindi's blog, too! I agree with you about judging people because of piercings and tattoos. Even though I have neither, my son has a bunch of tattoos and he has stretched his earlobes into huge holes and he has a nose ring thing. But he is one of the nicest, greatest people you could ever meet.

Michelle said...

I see you finally crossed over. I think you will love our little family. Keep in touch!

Stylin said...

Hi Beth
I have heard so much about you from Sindi.
I love piercings,the more the merrier!!!

Stylin said...

PS:People forget the beam in their eye and judge the speck in others!

Kelcey said...

hi my name is kelcey sullivan i'm 13 i love to blog. my blog's name is my Life . misslittlepunk-kelcey .blogspot.com

stacys1175 said...

I came over via Sindi's blog to I agree with you about people judgeing others I get judged over my weight all the time and sometimes you dont want to go out and do thing cuz of that.I really enjoyed reading your blog I'll have to link you:)